Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm making maquettes of Ellbow and Abey, I started on Ellbow last night, and it's still pretty rough, but I'm happy with how it's turning out. :D

Saturday, October 5, 2013

More work for Senior Film

 More visual development for my senior project.  I think I mentioned it, but the working title is Leave It, and it probably won't change, but we'll see.  Also today I went to Kinko's to get some of the work for Leave It printed for a gallery that two of my friends and me will be having in a couple weeks, and the guy working didn't really know what he was doing.  I'm not sure if he was new or not, but someone else had to help me because he didn't know how to solve issues with setting a print order.  Anyhow, now I'm going to go write an essay.
Color exploration for the setting
Abey's outfit alternatives
Shape designs for Ellbow

Ellbow poses, but is not a poser